
Reference Property


get the {reference | ref} of <object>
Applies to all objects, cards, backgrounds, stacks


The reference property returns an unambiguous and unique specifier for <object>. This reference property cannot be set by the user. For an object, the reference property is returned in the following format: <layer> object id <id> of <layer> id <id> of stack <stack name> For a card or background, the reference property is returned in the following format: <layer> id <id> of stack <stack name> For a stack, the reference property is returned in the following format: stack <stack name>


The reference property can be used to access an object from a different card or even a different stack. You might use this property when you want to perform some action, such as hiding, disabling, or emptying, on a number of objects in more than one stack at a time. The following button script adds the reference properties of all fields on the current card to a list of reference properties stored in a field named "Field Refs" on the first card of a stack name "mylib.sta". The lines of the "Field Refs" field could be used to access any field, on any card of any stack, whose reference property has been added. on mouseUp repeat with i=1 to the number of fields fld "Field Refs" of card 1 of stack "mylib.sta" end repeat
This text has been mechanically extracted from the Oracle Media Objects MediaTalk Reference, © 1995 Oracle Corporation, and is provided here solely for educational/historical purposes.